What exactly is Responsive Web Design? And why is it important?
According to Smallbiztrends.com smartphones and tablets combined now account for more than 60% of ALL online traffic. So what does that mean for you? Well, if your website isn’t responsive, it could mean your website looks dramatically different on a tablet/smartphone. Responsive web design allows a …
10 Reasons you SHOULD NOT build your own website.
In today’s world, anyone could build their own website.. but it doesn’t mean that you should. With websites like Wix and Squarespace people are jumping onboard to create websites for their business. So why hire us? We came across a wonderful blog post by Chris Hughes that …
Mesilla Valley Store
We just went recently went live with a new website. This website is for a some what newer business in the Mesilla plaza. Mesilla Valley Store, is a great place to stop by if you are interested in purchasing local home grown …